
Sustainability Approach

As the SeaShell Resort Spa family; Our aim is to protect the environmental values, natural resources, historical and cultural areas of our time, to meet the economic and social needs of future generations without harming their opportunities, and to leave a better world to future generations.

Sustainability Policy

As the Sea Shell Resort & SPA family;

Our main goal is to fulfill our responsibilities in protecting and improving our natural environment and to satisfy our guests on time and on time with quality service. While we do our best for this purpose;

We carry out our activities in line with the goals we set, and we are guided by legal conditions and international requirements.
We identify possible negative impacts on the environment in all our activities and take the relevant precautions.
We are aware of our responsibilities towards the environment and we plan and carry out our activities to use natural resources, reduce energy and water consumption, minimize air, water and soil pollution, reduce the amount of our waste, contribute to recycling and store our waste harmlessly.
We aim to protect the environmental balance, biological diversity and cultural heritage, and we inform and raise awareness of our guests and staff.
We carry out our work on using our energy resources in the most efficient way.
To provide reliable food to our guests and staff throughout the entire food production chain; We comply with published laws, regulations and food safety management system requirements and try to prevent food waste.
We follow technological developments closely and try to adapt.
We prevent all kinds of discrimination (language, religion, race) against all our employees and guests in all our activities, and we provide equal rights to our employees and new candidates.
We comply with the laws, regulations, legislation and regulations regarding occupational health and safety, constantly improve our activities, and raise awareness of our employees through training.
We are committed to providing common benefits with the participation of not only our staff, but also our guests and stakeholders with whom we interact and communicate in all kinds of ways, in order to create a sustainable world and sustainability perspective.

Purchasing Policy
  • With our sustainable approach, we try to ensure that our suppliers and all our business partners from whom we receive service support Sustainable Tourism.
  • We contribute to the development of local producers and the development of the region by giving priority to our local suppliers of domestic production in purchasing products/services. We aim to constantly increase the ratio of our local suppliers by monitoring them.
  • We act in accordance with the principles of ‘Fair Trade’ and ‘Equal Opportunity’ when purchasing products and services for our business.
  • Our aim is to strengthen the socioeconomic structure of our country and promote its culture by trying to choose local and cultural products at the purchasing stage.
    Imported products can only be purchased if there are no local alternatives or if the local alternatives are not of the expected and desired quality.
  • We prefer our suppliers to be those that fulfill their legal obligations and the requirements of the social and security rights of their employees.
    It is important for us that our suppliers have an environmentalist approach, comply with legal regulations, and have an
  • Environmental Management System or an internationally accepted certificate.
  • We try to choose recyclable and environmentally friendly disposable and consumable materials that we have to use in our purchasing processes.
  • The purchasing of consumables and disposable goods, including food, is carefully managed to minimize waste.
    It is important for us that the products we supply are environmentally friendly, economical, recyclable and recovered materials.
  • We prefer those who ensure that our suppliers comply with the legislation defined within the framework of national and international laws on child labor and do not hinder the education of children.
  • We choose suppliers that pay attention to wildlife, animal rights and the protection of natural habitats.
Child Rights Policy

Children’s Rights are accepted rights for children to live happier and safer lives. Children’s rights exist for all children regardless of race, skin color, gender, language or religion. Knowing them as individuals, respecting their rights, all kinds of psychological, physical, etc. It is our primary responsibility to provide and protect a safe environment against exploitation. Children are our legacy to the future.

  • Our company does not allow child labor and we expect all our business partners to show the same sensitivity.
  • We provide awareness training to our staff on child rights/abuse.
  • We make sure that children are under adult supervision in the activities they participate in. They can participate in activities after filling out the Parental Approval Form.
  • In environments where we take children into custody, we always keep an eye on them and hand them over to their parents.
  • When we witness suspicious actions regarding children, we first inform the hotel management and, when deemed necessary, ask for help from the Social Support Line.
Human Rights and Accessibility Policy
  • Birbirimizin haklarına ve görüşlerine saygılı davranır cinsiyet, dil, din, ırk, yaş, sosyo-ekonomik durum, eğitim durumu, etnik köken, dini inanç ayrımı yapmadan tüm çalışanlarımızın sağlık, güvenlik ve refahlarını sağlamaya çalışırız.
  • Kadın, çocuk, yaşlı, engelli ve özel ihtiyaç sahibi her bireyi korumak ve saygı duyulması gereken gruplar olduğunun farkındalığı ile
    buna uygun olarak hareket ederiz.
  • Kadınların iş gücüne katılımını tüm departmanlarımızca destekleriz.
  • Özel gereksinimi, fiziksel hassasiyetleri olan tüm misafirlerimize önem verir, onlar için hizmete erişimi kolaylaştırırız. Misafirlerimizin tatillerini geçirdikleri ortamın bu standartlar doğrultusunda olması bizim için önemlidir.
  • İnsan hakları ile ilgili kanun, yönetmelik, mevzuat ve düzenlemelere uyar, tüm gereklilikleri eksiksiz yerine getirir, faaliyetlerimizi sürekli iyileştiririz.
  • Çalışanlarımızı dinleyip fikirlerini özgürce beyan edebildikleri eşitlik ilkesi gözeterek standart bir çalışma imkanı sunarız.
Quality policy
  • As the Sea Shell Resort & SPA family; Our main goal is to satisfy our guests on time and place.
  • In order to achieve this purpose; We constantly review our goals, follow the developments, comply with legal requirements, and plan the necessary improvements…
  • Everyone who works to achieve this goal is a member of the Sea Shell Resort & SPA family.
  • To keep our family together; We give priority to communication and the development of individuals.
Food Safety Policy
  • Our aim at Sea Shell Resort & SPA is; To offer delicious and safe meals to our guests.
  • For this reason, it attaches importance to education and communication; We ensure that our suppliers, who provide all the materials used, as well as our personnel who carry out product preparation, participate in this purpose.
  • When measuring food safety with targets; We adhere to legal obligations and guest conditions and constantly review its compliance.
Environmental Policy​
  • As the Sea Shell Resort & SPA family; We use environmentally friendly technologies in all our work.
  • To prevent environmental pollution; We review our goals, fulfill legal requirements, plan continuous improvements, and document them for continuity.
  • Raising awareness of our employees, guests and everyone we can reach is the most important legacy we will leave to the next generations.