Personal Data Protection Law
KVKK Policy

Scope and Purpose

This Policy relates to SEASHELL RESORT SPA’s processing of personal data arising from or directly obtained from legal, commercial or financial relations entered into with SEASHELL RESORT SPA and its customers, staff and real or legal persons with whom it communicates and interacts, within the scope of the KVK Law No. 6698 and the KVK Policy Book. It aims to make regulations, determine the conditions to be complied with, declare and announce.

Lighting Obligation

Within the scope of KVKK No. 6698 (Personal Data Protection Law), which came into force on 07.04.2016, personal data processed during the relations of SEASHELL RESORT SPA, its customers, its employees, as well as real or legal persons with whom they communicate and interact, are legally subject to legal obligations and requirements brought by the legislation. It needs to be linked to an order.

SEASHELL RESORT SPA pays high level of attention and care to the principles of personal data security and confidentiality of customers, personnel and the relevant persons with whom it communicates and interacts. During the provision of services, priority is given to the personal data security of the relevant persons.

All kinds of personal data (including special personal data) that can be related to a natural person in accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned law are considered personal data within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law. These personal data are processed by SEASHELL RESORT SPA, as the Data Controller, with the methods detailed below and within the limits prescribed by the legislation.

“Processing of Personal Data” means obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, changing, rearranging, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making available these data by fully or partially automatic or non-automatic means provided that it is part of any data recording system. It refers to any operation performed on data, such as classifying or preventing its use.

Purpose and Legal Basis of Processing of Personal Data

Personal data may be processed electronically or verbally by SEASHELL RESORT SPA in written or verbal form, including audio and video recording, through automatic or non-automatic methods, such as registration to the platform, telephone, fax, e-mail, SMS and other social media channels, mobile applications, in accordance with the legislation. It can also be collected in a physical environment.

Within the framework of Article 5 of KVKK No. 6698

Explicit consent of the data owner,
It is clearly stipulated in the law,
It is necessary for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the person or someone else who is unable to express his/her consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not given legal validity,
It is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or execution of the contract drawn up as a result of approval and/or signature with SEASHELL RESORT SPA,
It is mandatory for SEASHELL RESORT SPA to fulfill its legal obligations,
It must be made public by the relevant person personally,
Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right,
It is mandatory to process data for the legitimate interests of SEASHELL RESORT SPA, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the relevant person.)
and again within the scope of article 6

Explicit consent of the data owner,
In other cases stipulated by law
It is processed within the specified personal data processing conditions and purposes.

Sharing and Transfer of Personal Data

Personal data of the relevant person; Requested by official institutions and organizations in cases deemed mandatory by the legislation, domestic / international solution partners, project partners, program and cooperation partners, supply provider companies with which SEASHELL RESORT SPA has commercial, legal and economic relations as a requirement of its activities and responsibilities. , institutions and organizations, independent auditor organizations, banks and financial institutions, other companies, individuals and organizations from which help and support are received, consultancy firms such as lawyers, financial advisors, law, informatics, quality and financial consultants and SEASHELL RESORT SPA. can be shared by taking security precautions. It can be transferred. These sharing and transfer transactions are also valid abroad.

SEASHELL RESORT SPA, personal data of the relevant person, provided that the necessary security measures are taken, storage, archiving, servers with information technology support, hosting companies, programs, cloud computing, etc. located in Turkey or in other countries, especially in the EU countries, the USA, the UK, abroad. can transfer, process and store to other electronic media.

Method of Collection of Personal Data

Personal data of the relevant person; All contracts/information forms and other documents signed with approval and/or acceptance, approval, acceptance and notifications made with electronic approval and/or signature,

SEASHELL RESORT SPA’s administrative center, physical environments, call centers, websites, mobile applications, internet transactions, social media and other public areas, user interviews, scanning of criminal records, market research, Identity Sharing System, SMS, digital applications to websites The data obtained in verbal, written, visual, voice recording or electronic media, where the relevant person is contacted or may be contacted in the future, through methods such as applications, mobile applications, written/digital applications to sales teams, call center, is completely or partially automatic or any other way. It is collected as part of the data recording system and stored taking into account the statute of limitations in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Personal data collected by SEASHELL RESORT SPA for the legal reasons stated above may be processed or transferred in line with the previously explained purposes of this policy, taking into account the personal data processing conditions specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.

User Rights

(In accordance with Article 11 of the KVK Law No. 6698)

Relevant persons, regarding their personal data, can send SEA SHELL RESORT SPA to the following e-mail address;

Learning whether it is processed or not,
Requesting information if processed,
Learning the purpose of processing and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose,
Knowing the third parties transferred domestically or abroad,
Requesting correction if it has been processed incompletely/incorrectly,
Requesting the deletion, destruction or anonymization of personal data in case the reasons requiring the processing of personal data disappear,
Requesting notification of the actions taken against the third parties to whom it has been transferred in accordance with paragraphs (5) and (6) above,
Objecting to a result that is unfavorable to you due to being analyzed exclusively by automatic systems,
Requesting compensation for damage in case of damage due to illegal processing
And it has other rights written in the legislation.

Data Controller to whom Application Can be Made Within the Scope of the Law

SEASHELL RESORT SPA Data Controller is the person registered in the VERBIS system at www.kvkk.gov.tr.

Within the scope of the above-mentioned rights, the relevant person may submit his/her requests, complaints and suggestions to SEASHELL RESORT SPA’s address stated below, in person or through a notary public, or by specifying the e-mail address notified by the user during the account opening and registered on the website, via the electronic mail address specified below. can send to your postal address.

In applications, name, surname, T.R. It is mandatory to include the identity number, residence or workplace address subject to notification, mobile phone number, e-mail address and the subject of the request, and information and documents related to the request must also be added to the application.

The official language in correspondence with SEASHELL RESORT SPA is Turkish. For this reason, it is essential that all kinds of applications, correspondence, problems, complaints and suggestions be written and sent in Turkish.

If the application is sent in writing and physically, the signature must be wet signed.

As a rule, responses to requests, problems, suggestions and complaints are not subject to a fee. However, if there is an expense, fee or other cost related to the response to be given, SEASHELL RESORT SPA reserves the right to charge fees within the scope of KVVK Regulations or in the tariff determined by other authorities.

For more detailed information or for your problems, requests, suggestions and complaints regarding the KVK Policy
You are kindly requested to apply to info@seashellresortspa.com.

You can also obtain the KVK Policy book from Sea Shell Vega.

For your physical and written applications:


